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Why We Give

We are Generous
Generosity is our privilege. God gives us good things we don’t deserve and could never earn, like grace and forgiveness. He gave the ultimate gift, His son Jesus, for our sins. When you hear us talk about irrational generosity, that’s what we mean. God created you with a generous spirit. We lead through irrational generosity. We want to help you embrace it!

What is Tithing?
When you tithe, you’re trusting God with your finances. Tithing is a biblical principle. God calls us to give the first 10% of our income back to Him. We’ve seen God provide abundantly in our church, and we know He will provide abundantly for you and your family when you put Him first in your finances. In fact, it’s the one area in the Bible where God tells you to test Him.
“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” Malachi 3:10 NIV

Every year, we have the opportunity to participate as a church in something that is ingrained in Skybreak’s culture. At the end of every year, we bring a special Legacy Offering, one that requires sacrifice and one that builds a legacy for future generations. This offering enables us to take a giant leap forward, fulfilling the big opportunities God has placed before us.
Frequently Asked Questions
This is a *heart issue*, and ultimately between you and the Lord.
I can understand someone who is struggling to pay bills, or brand new in their walk with the Lord, taking a while to wrap their mind and heart around the biblical standards of giving. I think God looks at each person’s journey, maturity, obedience, and heart motivations.
So, with that said, only the Lord could say who is sinning and who is simply growing in their giving.
This is where my answer will vary from some of the “hardline tithing preachers”. So, here it is: Technically, no, God does not curse New Testament believers. *Yet, in principle, it does happen…* but it’s a matter of semantics.
*Let me explain*. *The curse* in the New Testament could be explained and experienced as *a lack or absence of blessing*. The net results may appear the same.
1 Corinthians tells us that if we “sow sparingly we will reap sparingly”.Proverbs tells us that “the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller”.
So, whether we call it *a curse* OR *absence of blessing*, *the results are not good*.
You should respect and honor your husband. He is the head of the household and will give an account before God. I would recommend letting him know that you’d like to tithe and honor God according to scripture, butt hat you will submit to his decision. *God will work in his heart if you will honor and respect his leadership*, and perhaps you can give from your personal income or however God increases you personally.
The Bible tells us to “bring all the tithe *into the storehouse*”.This means *the local church* or place where you are being spiritually fed.
If you do not have a local church, then *I strongly recommend everyone get planted in a healthy local church,* bring the tithe to that storehouse, and give beyond that amount in offerings as the Lord leads you.
Of course not! God wants to bless the poor under the same promises that He wants to bless the middle class and the rich.
While it is wrong to put pressure on people to give, it would be cruel to not challenge people to trust God with their giving so they can see things turn around in their life.
*In other words*, if these promises and principles don’t work for the poor,they don’t work for anyone! God said to “test me in this”, and He always passes the test.
Giving other than 10% would not be a ‘tithe’, as tithe literally means 10%, but I understand the question.
I think *everyone should start where their faith is* and move up from there.So, if you can, in faith, commit to giving 3% of your income this year with hopes of moving it up to 5% next year, I think God will take you up on that.
At the same time, I don’t think mature believers who are living under the blessing of God should stop at 10%.
Remember this is not a legal requirement but *a starting point* for Biblical generosity.
I do not think God would condemn anyone who is attempting to bring a consistent percentage of their finances, *but I would encourage you to examine your heart, be honest before the Lord, and do your best to increase your giving as God prospers you.*
So, for those who are just getting started and not sure you can step out and fully tithe, here are some suggested starting blocks for you:
Start where your faith is…
Start with a percentage…
Be consistent in your giving as an act of worship…
Increase that percentage as your faith grows…
You may give online via a debit/credit card or bank account. You may also give in person at giving boxes via cash or check.
That’s a great question and my answer is that we won’t really be able to say who lived a blessed life until it’s all over.
Just because a non-tithing Christian has a great income and plenty of stuff, does not necessarily mean they’re under the blessing of God; *it just means they have stuff.*
The real blessing in the life of a giver is often seen in the intangibles and not-so-obvious categories, like peace of mind, health, marital relations, relationships with friends and family, living with a sense of purpose and fulfillment, knowing your life is pleasing to the Lord, influence, and leaving a legacy.
Thus, *this journey of stewardship is really about faith*, and trusting God that the best version of our life is realized as we trust Him through giving tithes and offerings. But only heaven will reveal the final results.